

F3                        跳到变量定义处

Ctrl+Shift+c        多行注释开关

Ctrl+F11              运行

F11                      调试

F5                        调试进入方法

F6                        单步调试

F7                        调试跳出当前方法

F8                        继续运行到下一个断点

Ctrl+Shift+g        找到所有函数引用的地方

Alt+Shift+t          重构重命名


Eclipse Explorer    在文件夹中打开文件

Team Explorer Everywhere    微软的Git/TFS插件

Eclipse Color Themes    安装主题


添加working set并显示    新建working set,然后在Package Explorer窗口中点击右上角三角形->top level elements->working sets

不同项目引用        右键->properties->Projects->add

maven不同项目的引用        编辑pom.xml,添加dependency节点,里面的groupId、artifactId和version填写被应用项目的相关信息

Eclipse添加API注释    针对the attached javadoc could not be retrieved as the specified javadoc location的错误,可以给JDK自带源码添加注释,Windows->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs, 选择jre,点击Edit,选择rt.jar,点击Source Attachment,选择Extern location,点击External File,选择JAVA_HOME目录下的src.zip文件,确认完成

自动生成setter、getter    文本右键->source->generate setter and getter

取消拼写错误的警告        在注释中有一些变量不属于标准的单词,eclipse会提出警告,让人心烦。关闭的办法:window->preferences->general->editor->text editors->anotations->spelling error, unchecked text as


修改自动生成代码模板    Go to Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Code Templates. On the right you'll see "Comments" and "Code". Find the one you want change and click the Edit button.

eclipse properties 显示中文    Go to Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Content Types->Text-> Java Properties File, set de default encoding as UTF-8, click update button, and apply and close button.

转载请注明:康瑞部落 » Eclipse相关技能

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